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The Table Host

The 2024 Banquet of Life fundraising event is just a few short months away. On October 3rd at SentryWorld hundreds of pro life and pro family guests will arrive to learn about how First Choice PRC has impacted Central Wisconsin this past year and celebrate all that has been accomplished. It's a fabulous night out to see old friends and new faces of those who want to see the culture of life promoted in our cities as well as raise $45,000 to support the operational budget of the ministry.

This event has lots of moving parts, from food choices, head counts, and decor, to tech specs, key note speaker, and invitations. There are plenty of hands and willing hearts that make this very special night possible. There is one particular role that is key to our success though.

This role is called the "Table Host."

It doesn't sound all that glorious, but without them, our event could most definitely flop. So what is this "Table Host?" This person makes the bold decision to fill an entire table of nine people - plus themselves - and then follow through by chatting up people in their sphere and getting them to commit to attending the evening of the event. There's a good chance this process will take some effort, from brainstorming your guest list, to getting them into their seats, but I promise you it's worth it! As a fellow "Table Host" myself, I've so enjoyed filling my table with fellow pro-lifers who I don't often get the opportunity to fellowship and break bread with.

These are some ways to fill this role successfully:

  1. Make your guest list now, and start contacting people. People's calendars fill up fast! During this inviting process, be sure you're reminding your guests this is a fundraising event, meaning donating to the organization the night of the event is expected.

  2. Follow up in a week or two to confirm their yays or nays.

  3. Either have them register, or get them registered by September 21st! Guests who register after this date will NOT be guaranteed a seat.

  4. Continue having reminder conversations about when and where.

  5. If you're a lady and you have lady guests, be sure to talk about what you're wearing because what's a gala style event without talking fashion!

  6. Be on time the night of the event!

One other way I've found that helped me be a successful table host - though it's obviously a bit more of a financial committment - consider sponsoring the cost of your table. Purchasing your table of ten for $550, helps your guests get over the hurdle of paying the individual $65/ticket and encourages them to donate a larger sum the night of the event. It's also a good way to showcase your business or organization.

Without our incredible "Table Hosts," we at First Choice PRC are well aware we would struggle to have a successful event. We don't have the time to chase down guests who still need to commit and register when we have a full schedule of clients to serve. Our spheres are limited. and our networks of people don't reach as far without you. "Table Hosts" make or break our event, hands down, and we are so incredibly thankful for those who step into that role.

All of this being said, would you consider being a "Table Host" at this year's Banquet of Life? The event is Thursday, October 3rd at SentryWorld in Stevens Point. It's a gala style event with business casual atire, excellent food, and the incredible Kirk Walden as keynote speaker. If you're interested in registering as a "Table Host," you can do that here. On the registration form, you'll choose, "Yes, I would like to be a table host." After you register you will be sent all of the online tools to help invite and register your guests. First Choice PRC also has physical invitations you can use as well. Simply call 715-345-0280 to get your invitations.

In whatever capacity you are a part of this year's Banquet of Life, we are ever so grateful!

For more information on this year's Banquet of Life, go to To register for the event, go to

See you soon!


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