Stephanie LaRose
Aug 31, 2016
The Stats + You
We have some celebrating to do, both on a national and state level! The abortion statistics are revealing rates are in fact still...

Stephanie LaRose
Aug 23, 2016
Celebrating Aliya!
Over the last few months, First Choice has been blessed by the servant heart of one Aliya Thunder. We took her on as an intern and she...
Stephanie LaRose
Aug 17, 2016
Community Strong Against Trafficking
Hiding in plain sight, he eyes his next target. He is a predator. He watches every move, listens keenly. He waits till the right moment....
Stephanie LaRose
Aug 11, 2016
Bringing Home Gold.
She's 4' 8" and all of 19 years old. And she's put down one team gold medal in the 2016 Olympics History books. And is expected to take...

Stephanie LaRose
Aug 3, 2016
Cutting Weight, Our Most Promising Update Yet!
Yesterday was HUGE day in the history of First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center. We upgraded roughly 1,000 pounds of equipment - 500...