Stephanie LaRose
Jun 13, 2018
Your Little & Your Community
The sun is out, the snow is gone and it's time for Summer fun for you and little loved one! But what's a family to do? Fortunately there...

Stephanie LaRose
Jul 5, 2017
Creating Coffee, Community, and Connection
This week I want to take some time out of our busy schedules to celebrate Mission Coffee House. If you've never been there, here's a map...
Stephanie LaRose
May 18, 2017
Unity, It Starts With Us
Unity has been a consistent running theme this year in my personal, as well as our team's, vision. And it's a bit of a challenging theme...

Stephanie LaRose
Dec 14, 2016
Holiday Text Line!
The holiday season is upon us and Team First Choice is busy closing up 2016. The doors have been flung wide open as of late, and our Team...
Stephanie LaRose
Aug 17, 2016
Community Strong Against Trafficking
Hiding in plain sight, he eyes his next target. He is a predator. He watches every move, listens keenly. He waits till the right moment....