Facing an unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming. You might feel confused, angry, frightened, or alone. If you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center is here to help empower you to make a healthy, educated decisions about your pregnancy.
This is the time to slow down, breath, and get informed.
You have three legal options: parent, adoption, or abortion.
When you come in for an appointment at First Choice, you will have the opportunity to meet with a client advocate, who will provide a free pregnancy test - if you do not have a confirmation of pregnancy from a hospital or other medical clinic- and will address any concerns you may have about pregnancy. The advocate will provide medically accurate materials about your options, as well as referrals and community resources available for your situation.
Free and confidential ultrasound exams are available on-site to confirm a viable pregnancy, and to determine the gestational age of the baby.
Make an appointment today to receive free and confidential services regarding your pregnancy. You do not have to walk through this chapter of your life alone.
*First Choice does not RECOMMEND nor REFER for abortion, but is committed to providing you with the tools needed to make an educated decision about your body, health, and future.
Watch this short video HERE to encourage you during this time. You may feel trapped, but you are not alone, and we are here to help.