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The Importance of YOU.

Today I want to take a break from promoting First Choice and events and commenting on culture.

Today I want to take a look at the importance of YOU.

You are unique. You're a special creation knitted together by God in your mamma's womb. You were born with purpose and a calling that culminates your talents and passions and desires.

You have the power to change the world.

You are so very worthy of love. You have dignity and heaping loads of grace. You are brim full of gifts to pour out on those around you. You are deserving of life filled with hope and faith and promise.

You have the ingredients to transform lives.

You know why all of these things are true? Because the Bible says so. And you know why that matters? Because God breathed life onto the pages of the Bible, the same way He breathed your very life into you.

Today, I challenge you to trust in this. Trust God's purpose for your life is beautiful. He sees your challenges and struggles, and knows the tears you shed. He celebrates your successes, and rejoices when you champion over your valleys.

You have the grace to be an over-comer.

You matter, and you do so immensely. Your life's purpose is necessary to God's plan for this world. You are loved so distinctly and with such enormity.

Trust in this, and trust in Him.


If you are desiring to know who God is, and how His son Jesus died to bring you closer to God, please do not hesitate to reach out to First Choice. Team First Choice's heart cry is to see you find freedom in who God made you to be, and the hope and promises of a life lived and transformed for the glory of Jesus.

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