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Give, Bless, & Share.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. For some it signals the madness of the holiday scramble: Black Friday shopping, elbow throwing insanity; Cyber Monday veg session shopping with AmazonSmile supporting First Choice; Frantic coupon-ing and deal spinning to get the best price on that thing your mom wants.

For other it means gaining 10 lbs and overdosing on tryptophan, sugar, and mashed potatoes. Mmmm.....zzzzzzz.

For others it is some of the most memorable, rich experiences with family and friends that will last for years to come. Sharing blessings, reflecting on passed memories and loved ones, and playing games. Laughter, bear hugs, and civil political debates...

And yet for others, Thanksgiving means working extra long hours without family, or maybe family and funds just aren't something plentiful at this time in life.

Regardless of your Thanksgiving situation, remember to smile at your neighbors. Thank someone who is putting in extra hours to make sure the grocery store is stocked with crunchy fried onions for your green bean casserole you forgot and have to buy at the very last minute. Pass a blessing onto the police officer that can't be with his family because he's protecting yours, or pulling you over because you're speeding, again. Invite a new face to join you and your family for dinner, or invite lots of new faces to help you with your "I-could-feed-an-army" amount of leftovers.


He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us.

2 Corinthians 9:11

In the midst of it all, be sure to thank God for the blessings that surround you and light up your world.

Give, bless, and share this Thanksgiving. That's what it's all about.



And from the First Choice Staff Team, have a blessed Thanksgiving! We are praising God for each and every one of you, and our ability to impact women, men, and families in Central Wisconsin.

We'll see you all next week!

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